Organized by: Assosegnaletica
Road markings: the right choice. The Assosegnaletica Manual of Good Practice
Preview presentation of the Assosegnaletica Manual for Good Horizontal Road Markings.
A practical tool at the service of local authorities for the implementation and supply of Horizontal Road Markings. Road safety depends on a careful choice of the most suitable materials for the different types of asphalt in compliance with the regulations in force and attentive to environmental aspects.
An informative workshop led by Antonio Frau (Coordinator of the working group UNI/CT12/SC01/GL02 road markings), aimed at small municipalities and concession companies, manufacturers and importers.
Organized by: Pittini
Innovative blends for the production of surface layers with a high content of eco-friendly materials.
The seminar will show the intermediate results of a research project aimed at developing mixtures for drainage and binder layers with a high asphalt granulate content. Using industrial aggregates of steel industry origin such as Granella and Siderlime, the aim is to use the highest possible content of recycled materials to produce safe, durable and environmentally friendly infrastructure.
The aim of the research is to create mixtures that comply with the forthcoming Road CAM and EU recycling targets consistent with circular economy practices.
Technical solutions adopted in this project include the use of highly modified bitumen, a plant-based recycling agent and high-performance industrial aggregates. The research project is being conducted both in the laboratory and at full scale, with the realisation of two experimental sections, one of which has already been completed.
Organized by: Alma Petroli Spa
Future-proof innovation
The new synergy of Alma Petroli and Almabit will focus on maximising the effectiveness of bitumen and asphalt. The workshop will deal with the steps to be taken in the sustainability of roads, supported by new technologies and the cooperation of the various technicians in the supply chain.
Organized by: Controls Spa
Performance testing and characterisation of innovative asphalts with sustainable materials: a case study.
The talk will focus on a case study that will show how performance and characterisation tests of asphalts created using sustainable materials are fundamental in guaranteeing maximum project efficiency and sustainability. The seminar will be organised by CONTROLS in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II and VALLI ZABBAN.
Organized by: EDINNOVA
VR & AR in conglomerate production plants.
The talk will illustrate the application of virtual and augmented reality in an asphalt production plant.
Organized by: Wirtgen Group
Benninghoven – Technologies for a Sustainable Future
Technologies for sustainable recycling.
Reducing gas emissions.
Future fuels.
Organized by: Edilpavimentazioni Srl
In-situ regeneration of oxidised asphalt mixes
Presentation of VIATEK's VR22 product for the regeneration of oxidised asphalt mixes.
Organized by: SITEB Gruppo PRIMI
Bituminous Membranes - New Life with End of Waste
A conference dedicated to the regulation that is going to be approved , which upgrades bituminous membrane waste from waste to secondary raw material with the aim of bringing Italian regulations into line with those already adopted in many countries.
Organized by: infraTest Prüftechnik GmbH
Determination of shear stress sensitivity using the Darmstadt Scuffing Device (DSD)
Surface wear (Raveling) is a common mode of temporary failure for many types of asphalt pavements, being one of the most common problems. Surface wear occurs when small crack formations expand and allow water to penetrate the pavement surface. As the cracks continue to expand, small particles are separated from the aggregate and compromise the base of the pavement. The aim is the introduction of a new test method to minimise Raveling.
Organized by: Simex Srl
100% recycling of road surfaces in situ
Presentation of ART 1000, SIMEX technology for in-situ recycling of bituminous surface layers.
Organized by: Uretek Italia Spa
Consolidation of road subgrade and power recovery with expanding resin injections on the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia.
Due to soil loosening, caused by previous slope settlement, a section of road on the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia had dangerous cracks and depressions. Uretek intervened quickly and non-invasively, without excavation and demolition, by consolidating the roadbed with resin injections. This first saturated the hollow spaces in the ground, then, as it expanded, compacted the foundation soil in depth.
Organized by: Copernit Spa
PRO ROAD experimental research: performance and environment. Performance of PRO ROAD geocomposites combined with modified asphalt mixes produced with warm technology (WMA)
COPERNIT's commitment to offering eco-sustainable solutions of the highest quality is reflected in the PRO ROAD experimental research: performance and environment.
The aim is to evaluate the already very high performance of PRO ROAD geocomposites, even when used with asphalt mixes laid at lower than standard temperatures.
More specifically, the experimental research evaluates the shear and flexural performance of two-layer asphalt systems characterised by the presence of PRO ROAD geocomposites at the interface, as the paving temperature of the top asphalt layer varies.
The study is aimed at demonstrating that INFINITY PRO ROAD and AUTOTAK PRO ROAD geocomposites can also be applied under asphalt mixes laid at lower than standard temperatures, guaranteeing the best performance in reinforcing road pavements in combination with a lower environmental impact of resurfacing works.
Organized by: Ammann Italy Srl
Evolution of asphalt plants, both in the perspective of new roads CAM and in relation to increasingly pressing environmental impact issues
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of AMMANN's solutions to the increasingly challenging demands and requirements for environmental sustainability, from the containment of energy consumption to the increased recovery of existing materials in new pavements, to solutions for the significant reduction of emissions related to the asphalt mixing process.
Thanks to the intervention of AMMANN specialists who will take turns in the exhibition, the most innovative technologies will be described, which are the result of the daily and joint work of AMMANN professionals worldwide.
Organized by: Iterchimica Spa
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of AMMANN's solutions to the increasingly challenging demands and requirements for environmental sustainability, from the containment of energy consumption to the increased recovery of existing materi
Today, there are several technologies aimed at achieving decarbonisation.
The workshop addresses some key issues such as recycling and increasing the service life of road pavements.
Organized by: John Deere – Wirtgen Group
John Deere Operations Centre and digital solutions for roadwork optimisation
With our solutions in the areas of Connected Support, Jobsite Intelligence and Smart Automation, we respond to the need for smarter, safer and more sustainable road construction. Digitisation enables faster decision-making and efficient site management, based on the real-time facts and knowledge that are essential for success. Through John Deere's Operations Centre, we offer a centralised digital platform for complete site management, from planning, monitoring, maintenance surveillance to productivity analysis, in a way that is always accessible and everywhere.
Organized by: Officina dell’Ambiente Spa
Industrial aggregates in the asphalt mix
Industrial/artificial aggregates in asphalt: experiences, experiments, results.
Organized by: ABICert – Ente di Certificazione ed Ispezione
The CAM Strade opportunities for the contracting of design and execution services for road works. The certifications of recycled / recovered / by-product content in asphalt and other construction materials. The certification of the expert ecodesigner CAM, PNRR, DNSH
By 21 December 2024, all manufacturers of materials must have obtained the certification proving the presence of the minimum percentage of RECYCLED / RECOVERED / SUSTAINABLE materials required by the Decree. Each producer must redesign its mixtures demonstrating how it achieves the target of the minimum percentage of ‘sustainable’ materials prescribed by the CAM Decree, on the basis of the plant at its disposal and the ingredients present in the specific territory. The critical aspect of this path lies in the fact that the achievable solution is different depending on the specific operational and territorial context. The workshop will discuss the different aspects that the manufacturer must take into consideration in order to achieve the optimal performance and sustainable product configuration, with particular reference to performance and durability.
This process, of course, must be managed in collaboration with the designer and construction manager who must have adequately defined the technological and sustainable objectives of the product, in relation to the specific work in which it is to be installed. For this reason, the certification of the professional's skills in environmental sustainability, as recalled by the same decree, is also of fundamental importance. An important role is played by the company which, through the required competence of the site personnel, becomes the link in optimising the management of the construction site in concrete and effective implementation of what was deduced upstream by the designer with the detailed analysis of the materials to be used in the specific context of the work.
Organized by: Mapei Spa e Valli Zabban Spa
The challenge of sustainable performance in the temple of speed
The workshop will focus on the technologies used in the very recent rehabilitation of the F1 track surface at Monza, highlighting its performance and sustainability aspects.
Organized by: Dulevo International Spa
Sustainable sweeping in the asphalt world
Sustainable sweeping in the asphalt world
Organized by: Sina Spa
Developments and adjustments of road pavements as part of the ecological transition.
Environmental issues related to the concepts of circular economy and taxonomy, and the introduction of road CAM are fundamental aspects for the design and drafting of technical specifications for flooring. Development and introduction of innovative materials, packaging methodologies and new technologies for paving control.
Organized by: Matest Spa
Heading resistance using Hamburg Wheel Trackers: experimental applications
Presentation of experimental results on different case studies.
Organized by: Marini Spa
Systems 6.0
Intelligence at the service of Digitization and Decarbonization.
Organized by: Dynapac Italia Srl
Dynapac Protac SD2500CS Experience: Implementation of the pilot log and analysis of experimental results
Results of the experimental investigation to evaluate the effectiveness of the spray coat carried out using the SPRAYPAVER DYNAPAC PROTAC SD2500CS in comparison with the traditional technique for road applications.
Organized by: Cams Srl
Valorising milled asphalt with zero environmental impact using CAMS technologies
Hybrid or fully electric technologies for the environmentally friendly use of milled asphalt guaranteeing the highest quality of a product whose reuse is increasingly essential in the road construction industry
Organized by: Index Spa
Asphaltic Antipumping Autotene and Extension of the Durability of Road Surfaces: Solid Scientific Foundations and Results over 14 Years.
From field tests, it is clear that using our membrane brings numerous benefits. Not only does it extend the life of roads, it also prevents potholes from forming. In addition, it helps reduce environmental impact, as it avoids the need to repeatedly mill asphalt. The adoption of our membrane also proves to be a cost-effective option for administrations and authorities that decide to use it. In summary, our membrane is an effective and sustainable solution for road maintenance.
Organized by: SMA Road Safety Srl
Road Infrastructure: The strength of Safety Devices
In the context of modern road infrastructure, user safety is an absolute imperative. This talk explores the importance of the strength of safety devices as a key element in ensuring the protection and reliability of roads. Recent technological developments in restraint systems that offer advanced solutions to improve the performance and effectiveness of safety devices will be discussed. In addition, the focus will be on innovative monitoring devices that not only ensure the necessary safety, but also contribute to optimal infrastructure maintenance.
The speech will address common problems related to road safety, analysing the challenges and practical solutions adopted to overcome them.
Next, vehicle traffic control systems will be examined, with a focus on crash warning systems and dynamic weighing systems. These technological tools support road managers in the onerous task of ensuring the safety of users, improving accident response and infrastructure management. Through detailed analysis and real case studies, it will be demonstrated how the robustness of safety devices is a crucial element for safer and more reliable roads.
Organized by: Bitem Srl
Pavements made with COLORBIT neutral binder for environmentally friendly and highly solar-reflective conglomerates
Wear layers in neutral or coloured conglomerate with high performance, low environmental impact and high solar reflectance. Presentation of the study carried out with the engineering department of the University of Perugia.
Organized by: Netzsch Analyzing & Testing
Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binders: Modern Test Methods for the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Bitumen acting as binder in asphalt is a petroleum product used for road construction and roofing. This viscoelastic material is considered to be a complex colloidal system. With a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) it is possible to classify asphalt binders regarding their mechanical behaviour over time and loading conditions and in different climates. The talk will give an overview about the principle of operation of a DSR and how to determine viscoelastic properties with it. Typical results of modern test methods for asphalt binders, such as the BTSV according to EN 17643 to determine equishear modulus temperature and phase angle will be discussed.
Organized by: PIARC Italia
The new Strategic Plan of the World Road Association
- Edoardo VALENTE, President PIARC Italy and ANAS S.p.A (TBC) - Opening greeting.
- Domenico CROCCO, First Delegate and General Secretary PIARC Italy; Introduction
- Gianluca COSSALE, PIARC Italy Technical Operations Coordinator - PIARC Presentation and Strategic Plan 2024-2027;
Speakers:- Maurizio CRISPINO, Chairman of the Technical Flooring Committee.
- Orazio BAGLIERI, Chairman of the Building and Maintenance Processes Decarbonisation Task Force.
- Stefano ODDONE, Chairman Cross Cutting Committee Testing Laboratories
- Roberto MASTRANGELO, Chairman Technical Committee Winter Services.
- Leonardo ANNESE, Communication, Promotion and Events Coordinator PIARC Italy (TBC) - Join PIARC, an international network.
Organized by: Westwood Italia Srl
PMMA solutions for waterproofing and surface protection
Westwood began in Petershagen, Germany, in 1999. In a small business, a family with a clear vision and uncompromising dedication to quality began producing innovative cladding systems. Westwood quickly embraced innovation. The introduction of PMMA-based liquid resins completely revolutionised solutions for areas such as balconies, car parks, roofing, decks and infrastructure. With steady and sustained growth, the company subsequently established as many as 6 subsidiaries in several countries, including Italy, Switzerland, Austria, England, Belgium, Holland and Poland.
Organized by: Progetto Segnaletica Srl
Organized by: SuperBeton S.p.A.
Organized by: Assosegnaletica
Road markings: the right choice. The Assosegnaletica Manual of Good Practice
Preview presentation of the Assosegnaletica Manual for Good Horizontal Road Markings.
A practical tool at the service of local authorities for the implementation and supply of Horizontal Road Markings. Road safety depends on a careful choice of the most suitable materials for the different types of asphalt in compliance with the regulations in force and attentive to environmental aspects.
An informative workshop led by Antonio Frau (Coordinator of the working group UNI/CT12/SC01/GL02 road markings), aimed at small municipalities and concession companies, manufacturers and importers.
Organized by: Pittini
Innovative blends for the production of surface layers with a high content of eco-friendly materials.
The seminar will show the intermediate results of a research project aimed at developing mixtures for drainage and binder layers with a high asphalt granulate content. Using industrial aggregates of steel industry origin such as Granella and Siderlime, the aim is to use the highest possible content of recycled materials to produce safe, durable and environmentally friendly infrastructure.
The aim of the research is to create mixtures that comply with the forthcoming Road CAM and EU recycling targets consistent with circular economy practices.
Technical solutions adopted in this project include the use of highly modified bitumen, a plant-based recycling agent and high-performance industrial aggregates. The research project is being conducted both in the laboratory and at full scale, with the realisation of two experimental sections, one of which has already been completed.
Organized by: Alma Petroli Spa
Future-proof innovation
The new synergy of Alma Petroli and Almabit will focus on maximising the effectiveness of bitumen and asphalt. The workshop will deal with the steps to be taken in the sustainability of roads, supported by new technologies and the cooperation of the various technicians in the supply chain.
Organized by: Controls Spa
Performance testing and characterisation of innovative asphalts with sustainable materials: a case study.
The talk will focus on a case study that will show how performance and characterisation tests of asphalts created using sustainable materials are fundamental in guaranteeing maximum project efficiency and sustainability. The seminar will be organised by CONTROLS in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II and VALLI ZABBAN.
Organized by: EDINNOVA
VR & AR in conglomerate production plants.
The talk will illustrate the application of virtual and augmented reality in an asphalt production plant.
Organized by: Wirtgen Group
Benninghoven – Technologies for a Sustainable Future
Technologies for sustainable recycling.
Reducing gas emissions.
Future fuels.
Organized by: Edilpavimentazioni Srl
In-situ regeneration of oxidised asphalt mixes
Presentation of VIATEK's VR22 product for the regeneration of oxidised asphalt mixes.
Organized by: SITEB Gruppo PRIMI
Bituminous Membranes - New Life with End of Waste
A conference dedicated to the regulation that is going to be approved , which upgrades bituminous membrane waste from waste to secondary raw material with the aim of bringing Italian regulations into line with those already adopted in many countries.
Organized by: infraTest Prüftechnik GmbH
Determination of shear stress sensitivity using the Darmstadt Scuffing Device (DSD)
Surface wear (Raveling) is a common mode of temporary failure for many types of asphalt pavements, being one of the most common problems. Surface wear occurs when small crack formations expand and allow water to penetrate the pavement surface. As the cracks continue to expand, small particles are separated from the aggregate and compromise the base of the pavement. The aim is the introduction of a new test method to minimise Raveling.
Organized by: Simex Srl
100% recycling of road surfaces in situ
Presentation of ART 1000, SIMEX technology for in-situ recycling of bituminous surface layers.
Organized by: Uretek Italia Spa
Consolidation of road subgrade and power recovery with expanding resin injections on the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia.
Due to soil loosening, caused by previous slope settlement, a section of road on the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia had dangerous cracks and depressions. Uretek intervened quickly and non-invasively, without excavation and demolition, by consolidating the roadbed with resin injections. This first saturated the hollow spaces in the ground, then, as it expanded, compacted the foundation soil in depth.
Organized by: Copernit Spa
PRO ROAD experimental research: performance and environment. Performance of PRO ROAD geocomposites combined with modified asphalt mixes produced with warm technology (WMA)
COPERNIT's commitment to offering eco-sustainable solutions of the highest quality is reflected in the PRO ROAD experimental research: performance and environment.
The aim is to evaluate the already very high performance of PRO ROAD geocomposites, even when used with asphalt mixes laid at lower than standard temperatures.
More specifically, the experimental research evaluates the shear and flexural performance of two-layer asphalt systems characterised by the presence of PRO ROAD geocomposites at the interface, as the paving temperature of the top asphalt layer varies.
The study is aimed at demonstrating that INFINITY PRO ROAD and AUTOTAK PRO ROAD geocomposites can also be applied under asphalt mixes laid at lower than standard temperatures, guaranteeing the best performance in reinforcing road pavements in combination with a lower environmental impact of resurfacing works.
Organized by: Ammann Italy Srl
Evolution of asphalt plants, both in the perspective of new roads CAM and in relation to increasingly pressing environmental impact issues
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of AMMANN's solutions to the increasingly challenging demands and requirements for environmental sustainability, from the containment of energy consumption to the increased recovery of existing materials in new pavements, to solutions for the significant reduction of emissions related to the asphalt mixing process.
Thanks to the intervention of AMMANN specialists who will take turns in the exhibition, the most innovative technologies will be described, which are the result of the daily and joint work of AMMANN professionals worldwide.
Organized by: Iterchimica Spa
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of AMMANN's solutions to the increasingly challenging demands and requirements for environmental sustainability, from the containment of energy consumption to the increased recovery of existing materi
Today, there are several technologies aimed at achieving decarbonisation.
The workshop addresses some key issues such as recycling and increasing the service life of road pavements.
Organized by: John Deere – Wirtgen Group
John Deere Operations Centre and digital solutions for roadwork optimisation
With our solutions in the areas of Connected Support, Jobsite Intelligence and Smart Automation, we respond to the need for smarter, safer and more sustainable road construction. Digitisation enables faster decision-making and efficient site management, based on the real-time facts and knowledge that are essential for success. Through John Deere's Operations Centre, we offer a centralised digital platform for complete site management, from planning, monitoring, maintenance surveillance to productivity analysis, in a way that is always accessible and everywhere.
Organized by: Officina dell’Ambiente Spa
Industrial aggregates in the asphalt mix
Industrial/artificial aggregates in asphalt: experiences, experiments, results.
Organized by: ABICert – Ente di Certificazione ed Ispezione
The CAM Strade opportunities for the contracting of design and execution services for road works. The certifications of recycled / recovered / by-product content in asphalt and other construction materials. The certification of the expert ecodesigner CAM, PNRR, DNSH
By 21 December 2024, all manufacturers of materials must have obtained the certification proving the presence of the minimum percentage of RECYCLED / RECOVERED / SUSTAINABLE materials required by the Decree. Each producer must redesign its mixtures demonstrating how it achieves the target of the minimum percentage of ‘sustainable’ materials prescribed by the CAM Decree, on the basis of the plant at its disposal and the ingredients present in the specific territory. The critical aspect of this path lies in the fact that the achievable solution is different depending on the specific operational and territorial context. The workshop will discuss the different aspects that the manufacturer must take into consideration in order to achieve the optimal performance and sustainable product configuration, with particular reference to performance and durability.
This process, of course, must be managed in collaboration with the designer and construction manager who must have adequately defined the technological and sustainable objectives of the product, in relation to the specific work in which it is to be installed. For this reason, the certification of the professional's skills in environmental sustainability, as recalled by the same decree, is also of fundamental importance. An important role is played by the company which, through the required competence of the site personnel, becomes the link in optimising the management of the construction site in concrete and effective implementation of what was deduced upstream by the designer with the detailed analysis of the materials to be used in the specific context of the work.
Organized by: Mapei Spa e Valli Zabban Spa
The challenge of sustainable performance in the temple of speed
The workshop will focus on the technologies used in the very recent rehabilitation of the F1 track surface at Monza, highlighting its performance and sustainability aspects.
Organized by: Dulevo International Spa
Sustainable sweeping in the asphalt world
Sustainable sweeping in the asphalt world
Organized by: Sina Spa
Developments and adjustments of road pavements as part of the ecological transition.
Environmental issues related to the concepts of circular economy and taxonomy, and the introduction of road CAM are fundamental aspects for the design and drafting of technical specifications for flooring. Development and introduction of innovative materials, packaging methodologies and new technologies for paving control.
Organized by: Matest Spa
Heading resistance using Hamburg Wheel Trackers: experimental applications
Presentation of experimental results on different case studies.
Organized by: Marini Spa
Systems 6.0
Intelligence at the service of Digitization and Decarbonization.
Organized by: Dynapac Italia Srl
Dynapac Protac SD2500CS Experience: Implementation of the pilot log and analysis of experimental results
Results of the experimental investigation to evaluate the effectiveness of the spray coat carried out using the SPRAYPAVER DYNAPAC PROTAC SD2500CS in comparison with the traditional technique for road applications.
Organized by: Cams Srl
Valorising milled asphalt with zero environmental impact using CAMS technologies
Hybrid or fully electric technologies for the environmentally friendly use of milled asphalt guaranteeing the highest quality of a product whose reuse is increasingly essential in the road construction industry
Organized by: Index Spa
Asphaltic Antipumping Autotene and Extension of the Durability of Road Surfaces: Solid Scientific Foundations and Results over 14 Years.
From field tests, it is clear that using our membrane brings numerous benefits. Not only does it extend the life of roads, it also prevents potholes from forming. In addition, it helps reduce environmental impact, as it avoids the need to repeatedly mill asphalt. The adoption of our membrane also proves to be a cost-effective option for administrations and authorities that decide to use it. In summary, our membrane is an effective and sustainable solution for road maintenance.
Organized by: SMA Road Safety Srl
Road Infrastructure: The strength of Safety Devices
In the context of modern road infrastructure, user safety is an absolute imperative. This talk explores the importance of the strength of safety devices as a key element in ensuring the protection and reliability of roads. Recent technological developments in restraint systems that offer advanced solutions to improve the performance and effectiveness of safety devices will be discussed. In addition, the focus will be on innovative monitoring devices that not only ensure the necessary safety, but also contribute to optimal infrastructure maintenance.
The speech will address common problems related to road safety, analysing the challenges and practical solutions adopted to overcome them.
Next, vehicle traffic control systems will be examined, with a focus on crash warning systems and dynamic weighing systems. These technological tools support road managers in the onerous task of ensuring the safety of users, improving accident response and infrastructure management. Through detailed analysis and real case studies, it will be demonstrated how the robustness of safety devices is a crucial element for safer and more reliable roads.
Organized by: Bitem Srl
Pavements made with COLORBIT neutral binder for environmentally friendly and highly solar-reflective conglomerates
Wear layers in neutral or coloured conglomerate with high performance, low environmental impact and high solar reflectance. Presentation of the study carried out with the engineering department of the University of Perugia.
Organized by: Netzsch Analyzing & Testing
Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binders: Modern Test Methods for the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Bitumen acting as binder in asphalt is a petroleum product used for road construction and roofing. This viscoelastic material is considered to be a complex colloidal system. With a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) it is possible to classify asphalt binders regarding their mechanical behaviour over time and loading conditions and in different climates. The talk will give an overview about the principle of operation of a DSR and how to determine viscoelastic properties with it. Typical results of modern test methods for asphalt binders, such as the BTSV according to EN 17643 to determine equishear modulus temperature and phase angle will be discussed.
Organized by: PIARC Italia
The new Strategic Plan of the World Road Association
- Edoardo VALENTE, President PIARC Italy and ANAS S.p.A (TBC) - Opening greeting.
- Domenico CROCCO, First Delegate and General Secretary PIARC Italy; Introduction
- Gianluca COSSALE, PIARC Italy Technical Operations Coordinator - PIARC Presentation and Strategic Plan 2024-2027;
Speakers:- Maurizio CRISPINO, Chairman of the Technical Flooring Committee.
- Orazio BAGLIERI, Chairman of the Building and Maintenance Processes Decarbonisation Task Force.
- Stefano ODDONE, Chairman Cross Cutting Committee Testing Laboratories
- Roberto MASTRANGELO, Chairman Technical Committee Winter Services.
- Leonardo ANNESE, Communication, Promotion and Events Coordinator PIARC Italy (TBC) - Join PIARC, an international network.
Organized by: Westwood Italia Srl
PMMA solutions for waterproofing and surface protection
Westwood began in Petershagen, Germany, in 1999. In a small business, a family with a clear vision and uncompromising dedication to quality began producing innovative cladding systems. Westwood quickly embraced innovation. The introduction of PMMA-based liquid resins completely revolutionised solutions for areas such as balconies, car parks, roofing, decks and infrastructure. With steady and sustained growth, the company subsequently established as many as 6 subsidiaries in several countries, including Italy, Switzerland, Austria, England, Belgium, Holland and Poland.