Important notice
Exhibitors are invited to consult the following information and the page dedicated to the risks associated with misleading invoices on the EUIPO website.
For a longtime now some businesses which go under various names (such as Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV, Construct Data Verlag GmbH, wwwdb s.r.o, International Fair Directory, Mulpor Company) with premises in different countries (Uruguay, Mexico, Slovakia Austria, etc) are sending to exhibiting companies some misleading forms that request to supply and/or update their company details This information request is then further linked to the publication in catalogues and/or lists connected to Trade Fairs of these company’s sector, with the promise of wider visibility and online communication for the client.
Subscription to this service is apparently for free, while in reality it involves an annual fee (written in very small text at the very bottom of the same form) of approx € 1,200.00. On the above mentioned form and with the clear purpose of creating a misunderstanding about the sender, it is always mentioned – very clearly – the name of a trade fair organized either in Italy or abroad and the company details are pre-printed (copied - very often slightly incorrectly - from the exhibitiors directory of trade fair which are actually attended by the company) so that one is lead to think one is dealing with the online catalogue of that same Trade Fair.It is important to state that in this regard BolognaFiere has never authorised any company to use either the name or the logo of their own Trade Fairs nor has supplied any information concerning their exhibitors to the firms guilty of this misleading behaviour. As a matter of fact BolognaFiere has already started legal and judiciary actions to protect their rights, even considering the difficulties of these procedures due to the continuous change of company name and registered offices.
Therefore in the context of these matters, we invite you to carefully read all the forms and proposal you receive, dutifully checking the costs stated before signing and sending back these forms, as when filling and signing these form you are actually subscribing to an agreement where you pay an annual or multi annual fee.
For more information and details, please contact the Show Office:
Tel. +39 051 282868 -